
Just got a call from a robotelesales agent

  • 21st February 2018
Well, that's a first for me; I've just taken a call from a telesales company for "an accident I had which wasn't my fault". I explained that I hadn't had an accident and that I was registered with the TPS so they shouldn't have my details.   She responded that she was sorry to have bothered me and that she would take my details off ...
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Top reasons why your website does not work for your business

  • 14th December 2017
Every company wants their website to work for them but growing numbers feel let down by their website. In the past, a website was not required to be a success in business, social media did exist and a shop window, poster or perhaps just a classified advert was all a company needed. For many years, the ability to reach thousands of people and talk ...
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"My Wife Is Divorcing Me!!!"

  • 24th March 2017
Except she isn't thankfully. There's an interesting take on a new phishing scam (at least it's new to me); I've received an email to one of my business email addresses, allegedly from a firm of solicitors representing my wife in divorce proceedings. Funny, she never mentioned it. Helpfully they included a Word document as an attachment. Word is ...
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Exciting upgrades to your hosting service

  • 3rd April 2016
We have been busy upgrading our web hosting services over the past few weeks with added specification at no cost to you. As you might be aware, before Christmas we upgraded our services to use new Dell R820 hardware, which expanded your service and performance. Further to this, we are now completing our round of cPanel patches and hardware ...
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