
Your reputation and business are at stake!

  • 25th November 2020
Well, this is annoying. You probably, like me and many other businesses and organisations, receive a lot of messages via your contact page. It has become an all-to-common practice by some businesses to use contact forms rather than directly emailing because it uses a loophole in GDPR. The regulations state (among a lot of other things) that ...
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High Severity Vulnerabilities found in WooCommerce

  • 20th September 2020
The Wordfence Threat Intelligence team was made aware, on August 20, 2020, of several vulnerabilities in Discount Rules for WooCommerce, a WordPress plugin installed on over 40,000 sites. Discount Rules for WooCommerce is a WordPress plugin designed to work with the WooCommerce e-Commerce plugin to create custom rules for discounts. In ...
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The Importance of an accessible website

  • 7th August 2020
Is your website usable by people with mobility, cognitive or perceptual challenges? Before you say "yes, of course", just think on this a minute: the whole point of having a website is to disemminate information. It might be your business hours, your menus, your knitting patterns - whatever, it could be anything, but you get the point: a ...
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Drag and Drop Website Builders - the Pros and Cons

  • 11th January 2019
The recent rise of online website builders has enabled business owners to publish websites, landing pages etc. quickly and efficiently. Once the domain of the IT department, almost anyone can now readily build a fully functioning and attractive website. It's also undoubtedly cheaper; what once may have cost thousands of pounds and months to ...
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